Feedback & Chat
At SDSLabs, we take user feedback very seriously. This is why, we had a feedback application right from day 1 of our launch. If you’ve ever tried contacting us with a bug report, chances are you’ve heard back from us. We can’t reach our goal walking aimlessly. In SDSLabs we feel the users should define how they want to use our apps.So we change as you demand.
So it’s completely you people who define how close we are from our goal or what else is to be achieved. Your feedback is the one of the core elements of our motivation.
Software development is not easy, especially when you have lots of different projects, and only a few people managing them all. One of the things that makes it substantially easier is user feedback. To improve this feedback loop we are launching a mini-chat and a new feedback application today.
Comment anonymously or create private issues if it contains sensitive information, follow any issue to keep yourself updated via email notifications, upvote ideas and issues to help us prioritize tasks. Our new feedback application aims at providing all the required features so that you can easily state your ideas and convey the issues you face.
Chat with SDSLabs is a simple chat service that lets you chat with SDSLabs members. You can drop in to say Hi, or to report a bug, or perhaps even to clarify some doubts on a problem in Erdős or CodeVillage. The application is anonymous; so as to allow you to chat more easily, and so that we can interact with users from around the world. Messages from the SDSLabs team are highlighted, so you can easily notice important messages.
We are always looking for feedback to make our products better, and there are more upcoming changes in the pipeline that will help us with that.
You can check it out at Just type a nickname, and you’ll be ready to go. We look forward to talking with you.
Our feedback application is also live at