
SDSLabs Recruitment Drive 2022

It’s that time of the year again, isn’t it? An endless barrage of workshops, competitions, lectures, and of course, recruitments. The sheer amount of information floating around can be overwhelming. Don’t sweat it, we are here to spell it out for you!

SDSLabs recruits students every year, selecting the best minds from the IITR Junta to join our cause of fostering technological innovation in the campus.

How do you get in?

There are many ways to land an interview at SDSLabs during the Recruitment Drive. These methods are:

  • Being amongst the top teams at the SDSLabs’ Syntax Error Hackathon 2022
  • Completing SDSLabs’ Winter of Code 2022
  • Being amongst the top students at any of our competitions mentioned below
  • Being amongst the top students in the SDS Recruitment Test and Design problem statement submissions

Syntax Error

Syntax Error is a campus-level hackathon conducted by us where students form teams and work together to build some amazing applications from scratch.

We call first-year students who are placed in the top 3 teams in the overall category for a direct interview.

Winter Of Code 2022

Students who were selected for SDSLabs’ Winter of Code 2022 and were able to pass all their evaluations successfully will be invited for an interview at SDSLabs during the interview process.


SDS organizes a variety of competitions for the 1st year junta at IIT Roorkee. We like to call the Top 3 students from each of these competitions for an interview:

  • NoobCTF
    • Capture the flag competition
    • Hosted at Backdoor with InfoSec IITR
  • Beginner’s Hypothesis
    • Data Science competition
    • Hosted at Cerebro with DSG IITR
  • Algophobic
    • Competitive programming competition
    • Hosted at Codeforces with PAG IITR
  • Endgame
    • Mathematical problem-solving competition
    • Hosted at Erdős

Freshers with an exceptional submission at the Global Game Jam 2022 might also get a direct interview call during the recruitment drive.

Recruitment Test and Design Problem statements

SDSLabs conducts a recruitment test for freshers, having various sections including logical reasoning, programming, software development, and an ad-hoc section to show off your geeky side.

We invite the top scorers from individual sections and the top scorers overall for an interview during the interview process. Needless to say, the evaluation will be done based on your performance in individual sections.

Design based problem statements are released a week before the recruitment test takes place to test your skills in various fields of design like UI/UX and graphic design. Design submissions will be considered for getting recruited as a Designer at SDSLabs.

Apart from this, we are always open to new members who may have missed their shot in our recruitment drive. Obsessed with coding? Building something new every week? We insist that you join us! Send us your resume, at: [email protected].

Hoping that this has addressed all your doubts, we look forward to your enthusiastic participation in our recruitment drive.

Best of luck!