
Rubeus is a cross-platform 2D game engine written in C++17.
It is specifically designed for people who are new to game development. Rubeus derives its work flow from a lot of popular game engines which will be clearer if you follow the Getting Start guide.
The reason for incorporating a simple workflow helps Rubeus in being used for smaller projects which still resemble the work done in the industry as well as introducing people to the culture and thought process of game programming.
If you want to contribute to the documentation, then have a look at our README for the Rubeus documentation source.
How to use this Documentation?
The Rubeus Documentation is supposed to only be treated as the API documentation. This is probably not a good place to start if you want to start building a game with Rubeus. We have our Getting Start guide for it. This is for those people who are interested in knowing what class structure Rubeus uses and reveal extra features that Rubeus provides, which you may not see through Intellisense or code completion.
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How to use it?
The Getting Start guide should set you up with initialising Rubeus for either local use or development. We recommend giving a read to the other articles present there to know what all Rubeus is capable of.
I have some questions
For general FAQs, we have prepared answers to some basic questions in our README present here. If you have any further doubts, you can reach out to us at We will be setting up a communication server (probably on Gitter, Discord, Slack, or IRC) in the near future. Until then don't hesitate to ping us.
Wait, where's the GUI?
There is no GUI for now. We have developed broCLI which an CLI tool to generate project files for Rubeus and it gives you everything you need to start making your game. Follow the Getting Start guide to know how to use broCLI.
This is the official Rubeus Engine Documentation. Head over to Pages for specific API documentation.
Created by SDSLabs, IIT Roorkee 2018.