Rubeus namespace

The Rubeus Engine namespace.



namespace AudioComponents
The Symphony Audio Engine.
namespace Awerere
The Awerere Physics Engine namespace.
namespace GraphicComponents
The Graphic Components of Rubeus Engine namespace.
namespace UtilityComponents
The Utility Components of Rubeus Engine namespace.


struct AudioModifier
Custom POD structure to be sent with messages as audio commands.
struct Message
Declares the message objects that systems use to communicate.
class REngine
A class the contains all components that make up Rubeus.
class RGameObject
A game object. Main class responsible for player interactions.
class RInputManager
The Input manager. Manages key strokes, mouse buttons, and cursor/scroll inputs.
class RLevel
A single container from all access to a level's contents.
class RMailingList
A class that handles all the message commands.
class RMasterComponent
A master component. Serves as parent class for all components.
class RMessageSystem
A message system class that handles message posting and adding.
class RWorld
The container for all gameobjects. Synonymous to Scene graph.


Mouse buttons supported.
enum class EKeyboardKeys { __UNKNOWN = -1, __SPACE = 32, __APOSTROPHE = 39, __COMMA = 44, __MINUS = 45, __PERIOD = 46, __SLASH = 47, __0 = 48, __1 = 49, __2 = 50, __3 = 51, __4 = 52, __5 = 53, __6 = 54, __7 = 55, __8 = 56, __9 = 57, __SEMICOLON = 59, __EQUAL = 61, __A = 65, __B = 66, __C = 67, __D = 68, __E = 69, __F = 70, __G = 71, __H = 72, __I = 73, __J = 74, __K = 75, __L = 76, __M = 77, __N = 78, __O = 79, __P = 80, __Q = 81, __R = 82, __S = 83, __T = 84, __U = 85, __V = 86, __W = 87, __X = 88, __Y = 89, __Z = 90, __LEFT_BRACKET = 91, __BACKSLASH = 92, __RIGHT_BRACKET = 93, __GRAVE_ACCENT = 96, __WORLD_1 = 161, __WORLD_2 = 162, __ESCAPE = 256, __ENTER = 257, __TAB = 258, __BACKSPACE = 259, __INSERT = 260, __DELETE = 261, __RIGHT = 262, __LEFT = 263, __DOWN = 264, __UP = 265, __PAGE_UP = 266, __PAGE_DOWN = 267, __HOME = 268, __END = 269, __CAPS_LOCK = 280, __SCROLL_LOCK = 281, __NUM_LOCK = 282, __PRINT_SCREEN = 283, __PAUSE = 284, __F1 = 290, __F2 = 291, __F3 = 292, __F4 = 293, __F5 = 294, __F6 = 295, __F7 = 296, __F8 = 297, __F9 = 298, __F10 = 299, __F11 = 300, __F12 = 301, __F13 = 302, __F14 = 303, __F15 = 304, __F16 = 305, __F17 = 306, __F18 = 307, __F19 = 308, __F20 = 309, __F21 = 310, __F22 = 311, __F23 = 312, __F24 = 313, __F25 = 314, __KP_0 = 320, __KP_1 = 321, __KP_2 = 322, __KP_3 = 323, __KP_4 = 324, __KP_5 = 325, __KP_6 = 326, __KP_7 = 327, __KP_8 = 328, __KP_9 = 329, __KP_DECIMAL = 330, __KP_DIVIDE = 331, __KP_MULTIPLY = 332, __KP_SUBTRACT = 333, __KP_ADD = 334, __KP_ENTER = 335, __KP_EQUAL = 336, __LEFT_SHIFT = 340, __LEFT_CONTROL = 341, __LEFT_ALT = 342, __LEFT_SUPER = 343, __RIGHT_SHIFT = 344, __RIGHT_CONTROL = 345, __RIGHT_ALT = 346, __RIGHT_SUPER = 347, __MENU = 348, __DEACTIVATED = 0, __ACTIVATED = 1 }
Keyboard keys supported.
enum EAudioEffect { fade_out, fade_in }
Defines audio commands allowed to send to the audio manager.


void mouseButtonCallback(GLFWwindow* window, int button, int action, int mods)
Callback function which sets the flag corresponding to a mouse button.
void scrollCallback(GLFWwindow* window, double xoffset, double yoffset)
Callback function which sets mouse scroll value.
void cursorPositionCallback(GLFWwindow* window, double xpos, double ypos)
Callback function which sets mouse position value.
void keyCallback(GLFWwindow* window, int key, int scancode, int action, int mods)
Callback function which sets the flag corresponding to a key.

Function documentation

void Rubeus::mouseButtonCallback(GLFWwindow* window, int button, int action, int mods)

Callback function which sets the flag corresponding to a mouse button.

window GLFW specified window object.
button GLFW specified mouse button pressed or released.
action GLFW specified key action.(Release, Press or Repeat)
mods Modifier key pressed along with.

void Rubeus::scrollCallback(GLFWwindow* window, double xoffset, double yoffset)

Callback function which sets mouse scroll value.

window GLFW specified window object.
xoffset X value of scroll
yoffset Y value of scroll

void Rubeus::cursorPositionCallback(GLFWwindow* window, double xpos, double ypos)

Callback function which sets mouse position value.

window GLFW specified window object.
xpos X value of position
ypos Y value of position

void Rubeus::keyCallback(GLFWwindow* window, int key, int scancode, int action, int mods)

Callback function which sets the flag corresponding to a key.

window GLFW specified window object.
key GLFW specified key which was pressed or released.
action GLFW specified key action.(Release, Press or Repeat)
mods Modifier key pressed along with.