Rubeus namespace
The Rubeus Engine namespace.
- Reference
- namespace AudioComponents
- The Symphony Audio Engine.
- namespace Awerere
- The Awerere Physics Engine namespace.
- namespace GraphicComponents
- The Graphic Components of Rubeus Engine namespace.
- namespace UtilityComponents
- The Utility Components of Rubeus Engine namespace.
- struct AudioModifier
- Custom POD structure to be sent with messages as audio commands.
- struct Message
- Declares the message objects that systems use to communicate.
- class REngine
- A class the contains all components that make up Rubeus.
- class RGameObject
- A game object. Main class responsible for player interactions.
- class RInputManager
- The Input manager. Manages key strokes, mouse buttons, and cursor/scroll inputs.
- class RLevel
- A single container from all access to a level's contents.
- class RMailingList
- A class that handles all the message commands.
- class RMasterComponent
- A master component. Serves as parent class for all components.
- class RMessageSystem
- A message system class that handles message posting and adding.
- class RWorld
- The container for all gameobjects. Synonymous to Scene graph.
- Mouse buttons supported.
- enum class EKeyboardKeys { __UNKNOWN = -1, __SPACE = 32, __APOSTROPHE = 39, __COMMA = 44, __MINUS = 45, __PERIOD = 46, __SLASH = 47, __0 = 48, __1 = 49, __2 = 50, __3 = 51, __4 = 52, __5 = 53, __6 = 54, __7 = 55, __8 = 56, __9 = 57, __SEMICOLON = 59, __EQUAL = 61, __A = 65, __B = 66, __C = 67, __D = 68, __E = 69, __F = 70, __G = 71, __H = 72, __I = 73, __J = 74, __K = 75, __L = 76, __M = 77, __N = 78, __O = 79, __P = 80, __Q = 81, __R = 82, __S = 83, __T = 84, __U = 85, __V = 86, __W = 87, __X = 88, __Y = 89, __Z = 90, __LEFT_BRACKET = 91, __BACKSLASH = 92, __RIGHT_BRACKET = 93, __GRAVE_ACCENT = 96, __WORLD_1 = 161, __WORLD_2 = 162, __ESCAPE = 256, __ENTER = 257, __TAB = 258, __BACKSPACE = 259, __INSERT = 260, __DELETE = 261, __RIGHT = 262, __LEFT = 263, __DOWN = 264, __UP = 265, __PAGE_UP = 266, __PAGE_DOWN = 267, __HOME = 268, __END = 269, __CAPS_LOCK = 280, __SCROLL_LOCK = 281, __NUM_LOCK = 282, __PRINT_SCREEN = 283, __PAUSE = 284, __F1 = 290, __F2 = 291, __F3 = 292, __F4 = 293, __F5 = 294, __F6 = 295, __F7 = 296, __F8 = 297, __F9 = 298, __F10 = 299, __F11 = 300, __F12 = 301, __F13 = 302, __F14 = 303, __F15 = 304, __F16 = 305, __F17 = 306, __F18 = 307, __F19 = 308, __F20 = 309, __F21 = 310, __F22 = 311, __F23 = 312, __F24 = 313, __F25 = 314, __KP_0 = 320, __KP_1 = 321, __KP_2 = 322, __KP_3 = 323, __KP_4 = 324, __KP_5 = 325, __KP_6 = 326, __KP_7 = 327, __KP_8 = 328, __KP_9 = 329, __KP_DECIMAL = 330, __KP_DIVIDE = 331, __KP_MULTIPLY = 332, __KP_SUBTRACT = 333, __KP_ADD = 334, __KP_ENTER = 335, __KP_EQUAL = 336, __LEFT_SHIFT = 340, __LEFT_CONTROL = 341, __LEFT_ALT = 342, __LEFT_SUPER = 343, __RIGHT_SHIFT = 344, __RIGHT_CONTROL = 345, __RIGHT_ALT = 346, __RIGHT_SUPER = 347, __MENU = 348, __DEACTIVATED = 0, __ACTIVATED = 1 }
- Keyboard keys supported.
- enum EAudioEffect { fade_out, fade_in }
- Defines audio commands allowed to send to the audio manager.
- void mouseButtonCallback(GLFWwindow* window, int button, int action, int mods)
- Callback function which sets the flag corresponding to a mouse button.
- void scrollCallback(GLFWwindow* window, double xoffset, double yoffset)
- Callback function which sets mouse scroll value.
- void cursorPositionCallback(GLFWwindow* window, double xpos, double ypos)
- Callback function which sets mouse position value.
- void keyCallback(GLFWwindow* window, int key, int scancode, int action, int mods)
- Callback function which sets the flag corresponding to a key.
Function documentation
void Rubeus:: mouseButtonCallback(GLFWwindow* window,
int button,
int action,
int mods)
Callback function which sets the flag corresponding to a mouse button.
Parameters | |
window | GLFW specified window object. |
button | GLFW specified mouse button pressed or released. |
action | GLFW specified key action.(Release, Press or Repeat) |
mods | Modifier key pressed along with. |
void Rubeus:: scrollCallback(GLFWwindow* window,
double xoffset,
double yoffset)
Callback function which sets mouse scroll value.
Parameters | |
window | GLFW specified window object. |
xoffset | X value of scroll |
yoffset | Y value of scroll |
void Rubeus:: cursorPositionCallback(GLFWwindow* window,
double xpos,
double ypos)
Callback function which sets mouse position value.
Parameters | |
window | GLFW specified window object. |
xpos | X value of position |
ypos | Y value of position |
void Rubeus:: keyCallback(GLFWwindow* window,
int key,
int scancode,
int action,
int mods)
Callback function which sets the flag corresponding to a key.
Parameters | |
window | GLFW specified window object. |
key | GLFW specified key which was pressed or released. |
scancode | |
action | GLFW specified key action.(Release, Press or Repeat) |
mods | Modifier key pressed along with. |