Rubeus::GraphicComponents namespace

The Graphic Components of Rubeus Engine namespace.



struct Image
A collection of the image data and its features.
class RBuffer
A buffer class that handles generating and binding OpenGL buffers.
class RGameScene
Contains the entire scene on display.
class RGuerrillaRendererComponent
A guerrilla renderer component. Made for increased performance. Default renderer. Use instead of simple renderer.
class RIndexBuffer
A buffer class that handles generating and binding OpenGL index buffers.
class RLayer
A layer class. Manages layer renders and groups.
class RMainLayer
Rendering Layer used for drawing UI elements to the screen.
class RRenderableObject
A renderable object. Allows specifying the position, size and color of the renderable object.
class RRendererComponent
A renderer component abstraction.
class RShaderComponent
A shader class. Allows shader code to be sent to OpenGL.
class RSimpleRendererComponent
A simple renderer. Only for testing purposes.
class RSprite
A sprite compatible with guerrilla renderer.
class RStaticSprite
A static positioned sprite.
class RTexture
A texture class containing all OpenGL abstractions for implementing textures.
class RVertexArray
A vertex array class that handles vertex and index buffer bindings.
class RWindowComponent
A window component that bridges GLFW function calls to handle Rubeus game window.
struct VertexData
A structure holding vertex data to be sent to OpenGL.


Values that represent window parameters. Use while constructing a RWindowComponent object.


void getGLFWErrorLog(int error, const char* description)
Gets GLFW error logs.

Function documentation

void Rubeus::GraphicComponents::getGLFWErrorLog(int error, const char* description)

Gets GLFW error logs.

error The error.
description The description.